This is the one area I wish people would sit down and shut up on. Every single widow/widower has the right to make the decision to rejoin...
This is the one area I wish people would sit down and shut up on. Every single widow/widower has the right to make the decision to rejoin...
Someone once told me that I need to write what scares me. A few blogs on here have scared me to post but those blogs tended to be more...
I'm going to struggle with this one but please bear with me. In the past year and a half, I have faced far too much death and I just...
I have been asked two different questions that I would like to discuss today. The first is "Are you angry at Randy?" this question came...
Q: “How did Randy end up taking your name instead of you taking his?” A: There were many reasons for this. As a woman, you are prepared...
I'm not going to lie, your excitement towards our story in this book makes me happy. I can tell you that there are already 80 pages...
I sometimes get responses to my “25 questions you should ask before death” because while some questions are very obvious, some may not...
When Randy was in the hospital, I was hit with "Did you guys hide how serious this was?" and I was horrified at the idea that we kept how...
I was aware of Artful Ashes before I met Randy and I had actually told my mother that I wanted to make some of my grandparents. Artful...
Some of you may know that when I met Randy, I was actively writing a book that I had entitled "Driving Into The Fire". That book took a...
Today, I am taking off with my parents. I will not always have reception so my blog posts will be suspended until my return. Thank you...
This day will be very difficult for me as these holidays are a brutal reminder of losing my love. Today, however, I thought it would be...
I can tell you honestly that I am living my worst nightmare. This is not the life I ever imagined nor did I want it. I never wanted to be...
Growing up, my ultimate dream was to have the story that my parents did. I wanted to marry my high school sweetheart, have 4 kids and...
This is something that we always laugh at because the stereotype is that old ladies complain because someone took their seat at church...
I am shaking as I am writing this because this is really affecting me. It perhaps would not affect others but it’s affecting me. Last...
Today is 3 months since Randy’s funeral. It is with the permission of Pastor Kirk that I wish to share with you his message at Randy's...
I loved the weekends because I got my husband for every moment of those two days. I loved waking up on Saturday & Sunday mornings to his...
I cannot believe that I am even writing this but I kind of feel the need to. For a little over a year, I've had comments on my weight...
Today is 3 months since I lost my beloved husband. I decided to share with you my tribute to Randy. This is the eulogy I gave at his...