Upon our engagement, I entered into a bible study that focused on 1 Peter. This entire book in the Bible is about submission in different things in life but the main purpose that I joined was because I wanted know what my role was to be as the christian submissive wife. The concept is frowned upon in today's world because women want to be independent. Don't get me wrong, my parents raised me to be independent and that's not what this was for me. I wanted to honor my husband by following biblical principles. What this entails is allowing my husband to be the head and I was therefore to yield to him. Only when it breaks the law or affects my spiritual well-being should I not yield to him. This is NOT about not having a mind of your own and doing exactly what he wants, when he wants, how he wants. At the end of the day, Randy and I were a team. We typically had the same thoughts at the same time. It was almost comical. With that in mind, I can tell you that there were times when I struggled in this submission because I was so used to doing everything MY way and I needed to yield to him. It's not even that Randy asked this of me but it was solely that I wanted to honor him by honoring God. I was so serious about this that I asked Randy if he would like me to ask Pastor Kirk to put "to honor and obey" in our vows just as it once was.
Submission is to willingly set aside your own desires or needs to HONOR the desires or needs of someone else.
Jesus first
Others second
Yourself last
I write this because of the narrative in our country right now. Although I do not agree with nominating a Supreme Court justice so close to the election, what I sharply disagree with is the narrative that she shouldn't be there solely because she submits to her husband. She is a devout Christian and it's more common than you think. What I did disagree with is the idea of yielding to ANY man. No, I yielded ONLY to my husband. He was my person. He was the person I vowed my life to. What someone chooses to do in the comforts of their home and in their marriage is not of our concern. It is only our concern when that affects others. I dont think it's right for people to judge what works for them in their marriage. How they choose to honor their marriage and God is not of your concern. And it's also worth noting that Jesus submitted to God!
As I once said to Randy when he would talk about his mother's marriage- "Not my problem- not my marriage" and at one point I told his mother to "mind your own marriage".
If it is not yours, stay out of it.
If you have a problem with how she executes her job, that's fine. That's fair game.But judging her for how she honors her husband and honors God is not.