The first week in February is always a very difficult week for my family. on February 3, 2015 Grandma died. on February 5, 2001 Grandpa died. The funeral for grandma was held February 5, 2015. and February 6 is that grandma’s birthday. It’s a cluster of awful wrapped up in 1 week. In 2018, Randy and I were newly dating. I had posted a remembrance of my grandma on facebook which made my mom cry. I felt terrible and I may have taken it down as a result. We were on our way to dinner when this happened and I teared up because of how awful I felt for making my mom cry as it was clearly not intentional. When we arrived, Randy decided that he wanted to take a moment to pray for my mom because both of those grandparents are her parents. He didn’t know me very long and he knew how difficult this particular week is and wanted to pray for my family- especially my mom. It really touched me. Randy was not a person who was ever afraid of publicly expressing his love for God. He was that person who would offer up a public prayer. In contrast, while I am not afraid to talk about my faith when asked, I do not speak my prayers. I have always been that person that prays in private as Matthew 6 tells us to do. Randy is the only person I’ve spoken prayers with. I look back on my time with him and I can see how he made me grow as a Christian and as a woman. He knew the areas he could push me and he knew when not to. He was the very best person for me and I will always be eternally grateful that God put our paths together. I am grateful for the time I had with Randy even though we were tragically cut short. On our wedding day, I told him that one of the things I fell in love with was his unwavering love for Christ and I meant it. Knowing me for a short time he wasn’t afraid to pray with me. He wasn’t afraid to talk about any of it and I loved that in him. 2 years later, I am still touched by his concern for my family in what is a difficult week for us. He cared when he really didn’t have to. He had no obligation at the time to even spend time with them but he chose to. He had love and compassion for my family so quickly. I’ll never forget it. He fell in love with my family so quickly and they loved him. Randy was special and we all knew it.
p.s. you can still submit any question that you may have about our relationship, marriage, cancer, caretaking or widow life to be answered in a future blog post